There are always challenges to the development and implementation processes for large and small organizations, institutions, and nonprofits. With a wealth of experience across the government, health, K-12, higher education, nonprofit, and Fortune 50 sectors, Karen Dash Consulting LLC has helped entities all across the country save time, energy, and millions of dollars.
Through our strategic planning, program evaluation, and management consulting services for local, state, regional and national clients, we have helped organizations identify measurable, ambitious yet achievable strategies to empower people and communities.
Every organization is unique – its mission, structure, employees, funding sources and constraints, community needs and priorities, oversight, political and economic environment, etc. For each initiative, we find that a Community Needs Assessment and an Environmental Scan can help us identify the most promising and effective strategies.
Of key importance is understanding the needs of our clients and the people they serve. We offer a variety of strategies to engage with stakeholders – including potential clients of your organization – to ensure a comprehensive understanding of what might define program or organizational success.
KDC, led by our owner Karen Dash, has worked with over 17,000 stakeholders through 85+ focus groups/public meetings, community surveys, key stakeholder interviews, design charrettes, community cafes, and other community engagement processes. We strive to create a warm, inclusive, and safe space for people to share their valuable feedback.
In order to understand your organization’s needs, we execute an Environmental Scan. (aka PEST analyses, Landscape Analyses, SWOT or SLOT analyses, or Situational Analyses.)
This is an in-depth, customized breakdown of your organization’s strengths, opportunities and efficiencies, as well as an analysis of social, economic, technological, political, demographic, and socioeconomic trends that affect your organization and its stakeholders.
Having this information allows the KDC team to have a much clearer view of the steps needed to bring the goals and executions of your organization together.
Karen Dash Consulting LLC provides support to states, counties, and cities in developing a host of plans, reports, and analyses.
Libraries occupy a vibrant and essential role in our communities. Technology and changing public expectations have created new possibilities.
Developing your strategic plan, and the actions to reach your goals, helps leaders to define who and how they intend to serve their various constituencies.
This analysis and assessment identifies the resources and opportunities available in your community to meet the needs of children, youth, and families.
As organizational environments change, we can help leadership and employees navigate those opportunities.
It’s not enough to say your programs are effective; today’s leaders seek hard metrics to quantify program impact.
Our goal is to be at the heart of public policy that strengthens and empowers community development.